អាយអាយអេធី៖ សមត្ថភាពកំណើនតម្រូវការដឹកទំនិញតាមអាកាសទូទាំងពិភពលោកលើសពីសមត្ថភាព

ខែសីហាឆ្នាំ ២០២១ (% chg ទល់នឹងខែដូចគ្នាក្នុងឆ្នាំ ២០១៩)ចំណែកពិភពលោក1CTKអេធីខេCLF (% -pt)2ស៊ីអេហ្វអេហ្វ (កម្រិត)3

August Regional Performance

  • ក្រុមហ៊ុនអាកាសចរណ៍អាស៊ីប៉ាស៊ីហ្វិក saw their international air cargo volumes increase 3.0% in August 2021 compared to the same month in 2019.This was a slowdown in demand compared to the previous month’s 4.4% expansion. Demand is being affected by an easing in growth momentum in key activity indicators in Asia, and by congested supply chains especially on Within Asia and Europe-Asia routes. International capacity is significantly constrained in the region, down 21.7% vs. August 2019.
  • ក្រុមហ៊ុនដឹកជញ្ជូននៅអាមេរិកខាងជើង posted an 18% increase in international cargo volumes in August 2021 compared to August 2019. New export orders and demand for faster shipping times are underpinning the North American performance. The downside risk from capacity constraints is high; international cargo capacity remains restricted and many of the key air cargo hubs are reporting severe congestion, including Los Angeles and Chicago. International capacity decreased 6.6%.
  • ក្រុមហ៊ុនដឹកជញ្ជូនអឺរ៉ុប saw a 6% increase in international cargo volumes in August 2021 compared to the same month in 2019. This was on a par with July’s performance. Manufacturing activity, orders and long supplier delivery times remain favorable to air cargo demand. International capacity decreased 13.6%.
  • ក្រុមហ៊ុនដឹកជញ្ជូននៅមជ្ឈិមបូព៌ា experienced an 15.4% rise in international cargo volumes in August 2021 versus August 2019, an improvement compared to the previous month (13.4%). The large Middle East–Asia trade lanes continue to post strong performance. International capacity decreased 5.1%.
  • ក្រុមហ៊ុនដឹកជញ្ជូនអាមេរិកឡាទីន reported a decline of 14% in international cargo volumes in August compared to the 2019 period, which was the weakest performance of all regions. Capacity remains significantly constrained in the region, with international capacity decreasing 27.1% in August, the largest fall of any region.
  • ក្រុមហ៊ុនអាកាសចរណ៍អាហ្រ្វិក’ saw international cargo volumes increase by 33.9% in August, the largest increase of all regions. Investment flows along the Africa-Asia route continue to drive the regional outcomes with volumes on the route up 26.4% over two years ago. International capacity decreased 2.1%.


  • European carriers saw a 6% increase in international cargo volumes in August 2021 compared to the same month in 2019.
  • Latin American carriers reported a decline of 14% in international cargo volumes in August compared to the 2019 period, which was the weakest performance of all regions.
  • North American carriers posted an 18% increase in international cargo volumes in August 2021 compared to August 2019.



ហារីចនសុនគឺជាអ្នករៀបចំកិច្ចការសម្រាប់ eTurboNews អស់រយៈពេលជាង 20 ឆ្នាំ។ គាត់រស់នៅ Honolulu, Hawaii និងមានដើមកំណើតមកពីអឺរ៉ុប។ គាត់​ចូល​ចិត្ត​សរសេរ​និង​យក​ព័ត៌មាន។

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